Founded in 1968, Dengie is a farmer-owned co-operative, based in Essex.

From its grain store in Southminster, Dengie offers local growers access to just under 20,000 tonnes of crop storage. It also provides cleaning and drying to farmers from this site, with the ability to dry more than 30,000 tonnes of grain per hour.

The existing grain store was powered by coal. We worked with Dengie to install a new IP gas supply to the site, which allowed the site to switch to a cleaner source of energy.

At mua, we’re proud to be the independent gas transporter (IGT) that owns and operates the gas network supplying the Dengie grain store.

The challenge

To switch from coal to gas, the Dengie site needed a new 6.3km IP gas connection. This is not only a complex engineering project, but installing a new IP gas connection across this distance required extensive traffic management across a large rural area.

We also needed to energise the new gas connection ahead of the harvest season, when the facility sees its peak demand.   

Our solution

We carried out extensive stakeholder engagement with the local authorities and the local community to minimise the impact of the essential traffic management required to install the new IP pipeline, while ensuring we were able to energise the site in time for the harvest season.




Key Facts

The Dengie grain store can:

  • store more than 20,000 tonnes of grain
  • dry more than 30 tonnes of grain per hour
  • harvest more than 1,000 tonnes of grain per day

As the IGT, we’re adopting, operating and maintaining:

  • 3km of intermediate pressure (IP) gas pipeline


Site energised